2 Mart 2012 Cuma

Hunters Prequel

Wendell walked through the dark alley as a short cut. He was in a hurry to reach his flat as it was already late and he didn’t want another fight with his wife. So he hurriedly walked through and around the dumpsters in the alley instead of taking the walk around the block to reach his home like he did for the last five or six years.
He tried his best to not the touch anything or not the disturb anything that lived there. The light at the end of the alley got brighter as he reached the end but before he got out safely to his usual path, he heard a sudden whisper behind him. He didn’t made out the words but didn’t stop either. He started walking with a faster pace to reach the relative safety of the crowded street. All the while thinking “Please don’t let them stab me! Please God, don’t let them stab me!”
“Hey! Wendell! Stop!” came the shout behind him.
He froze for a second; trying to decide should he turn around or just run away. He wasn’t exactly the bravest of the bunch. He was a small fat man with lots of health conditions who worked at a job that had certain dangers to it and one of those dangers were to get his throat slit in a dark alley. In the end he decided that he couldn’t ran away much before that caught up so turned around, gathered al his courage and said “Yes?”
He was waiting for a couple of big guys who were there to rough him up but instead, a young blonde girl that looked like she was in her twenties stood behind him. She slowly walked towards him, putting her hands up to show him she didn’t mean harm. “Sorry for startling you, sir.” She said in a friendly tone. “But I’m looking for someone named Wendell ...”
“What do you want?” he cut her off. Seeing just a girl instead of bunch of hitmen helped his ego and courage immensely. “Yeah, I’m Wendell. Who the fuck’s looking for me?” he said trying to act tough as possible.
“We just want to ask you one simple question.” The girl answered kindly, without responding to his other question.
“Call my secretary and take a fucking appointment! Also these dark alleys are not a place for a young girl like you.” He said. He realized that he really enjoyed bossing around someone instead of how the things usually went. He then turned around to walk back to his house in a relieved state but he bumped in to something and almost fell on his ass.
“Are you a wizard, Wendell?” asked a deep voice while he regained his balance. The man he bumped when he turned around was bigger than he was. He was wearing a dark coat and a black hat. “Or a mage? Have you ever shown any talent or affinity to magic?” he continued asking without caring about Wendell’s scared state.
“Whaaa?” was all he could say. “How could he sneak behind me like that?” he though. He started to sweat. “Magic? Are you fucking crazy or something?” was all he could say.
“Master Rabec, let me handle…” she tried to intervene but with no avail.
“This magic!” Rabec said without listening to her and put out his hand. Suddenly a ball of fire appeared on his palm then it turned in to a little phoenix and flew away a little before vanishing to thin air.
Wendell’s mouth opened and closed a couple times then this time he really fell back on his ass. “I.. I.. What the fuck you want?” he managed.
“We just want to know, Wendell. You see, me and my lovely apprentice here are recruiting for the Order of Hunters. I’m sure you never heard of it before, it is a mostly underground movement but we are always looking for talent and yesterday we heard from our, let’s say talent scouts, that there was one Wendell Gibbs who supposed to have tremendous skill in magic. Is your name not Wendell Gibbs?” said Rabec standing over him.
“Wait! My name’s Wendell…”
“Yes! I just said that!” shouted Rabec. “This is taking too long.” He muttered to himself .
“Master! Just let me talk to him for a second.” Tried to reason the blonde girl.
“Fuck reason!” growled Rabec and pulled out his gun from his inner coat pocket and put it on Wendell’s forehead.
Wendell started whimpering but he couldn’t even find the strength in him to try to move away.
Blondie tried to move towards them but stopped when her eyes met her masters.
“I want you to concentrate really hard for me right now. Can you do that Wendell?” said Rabec when he turned his attention back to him.
Wendell nodded.
“Now if you have even the slightest magic in you, in a situation like this it will come out. Excitement and all kind of stuff like that triggers it. So really concentrate on that bullet. Put every ounce of will you have in you to stopping it.” He waited for a moment. “Ready?” he asked and pushed the gun even harder.
Wendell started to cry. He couldn’t helped himself. He though he was sure to die there on a dark alley because some lunatic thought magic was real. His thoughts started to wander to his wife. “That bitch will love this.” He thought. “Me dead in an alley and she gets everything.”
“Wendell, just believe and you can do it. It’s not hard, believe me! Just try!” pleaded the blond girl.
Her calm voice helped and he realized if he was about the die, he might as well try. So he tried to clear his mind of everything but the bullet that was coming for him. He put everything he has to that one single thought. “That bullet will stop before touching my skin!”
Then he felt it. He suddenly felt powerful. He felt that he could actually do it and smiled. “Do it!” he screamed to Rabec.
“Ok.” He answered calmly.
“Wait! No!” screamed the apprentice.
Rabec pulled the trigger.
Wendell was smiling as the bullet travelled through the barrel of the gun. His smile never faded as it reached his forehead and kept going until got out from the back of his head and stuck to the alley wall behind.
“Oh, come on!” apprentice shouted as Wendell’s lifeless corpse collapsed to the ground. “Cant you go for five fuckin minutes without killing people!”
“Well he should’ve stopped it!” said Rabec then turned to the left and said “What wallet? Oh right good thinking.”
“Who are you talking to?” asked the Blonde.
“No one!” said Rabec and crouched to search the corpse for a wallet. He found one in Wendell’s back pocket. Pulled it out and started going through it.
“And this time you killed an actual recruit! You know they’ll get me for this too right?” said his apprentice furiously. Her eye caught Wendell’s blood pooling on the ground and she turned her back feeling sick.
Rabec went through the wallet and all he could say was “Oh, fuck me.” And started laughing. “Jess look at this.” He said and tossed the wallet to his apprentice. She caught it in mid air and looked through it curiously.
“Wendell Gips? Gips? Seriously?” she started laughing too.
“Yes, not Gibbs!” said Rabec coming near her. “This wasn’t the guy. Idiots in the intelligence gave us the wrong place and look at him!” he said pointing at the body.
“That fat fuck was, well, too fat and old to be a recruit. We should’ve guessed it but nothing we can do now.” He said and they started walking towards the end of the alley. “Keep the wallet for a while so they’ll think it’s a robbery.”
“How can magic show us the wrong persons place then?” asked Jess.
“Maybe the scryer though of Gips instead of, you know, Gibbs.” He answered and once more turned to left and said “Of course you can make a mistake!” and continued walking.
“Who are you talking to?” pressed the apperentice.
“No one.” Rabec answered. “Anyways, we still have to recruit Wendell Gibbs”
They continued chatting and walking side by side but stopped at entrance to the alley when they heard a sound behind them. When they turned around they saw a young men getting out of a dumpster and running at the opposite direction as fast as he can.
“Oh shit! There.” Pointed Jess and started running behind him. “Wendell!”
Rabec just moved backward couple steps in to a shadow and disappeared.
Wendell was running for his life. “They want me dead!” was all went through his mind. That crazy blonde chick was after him. He turned his back to look behind and suddenly crashed in to something. While flying back to the ground he saw the man that was near the girl on the far side of the alley was standing over him.
“Hello, Wendell.” He said smiling. “We just wanted to know your thoughts about magic” he said and pulled out his gun.

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